Properly Treated Water Proven to Inactivate COVID19 in 30 Seconds.

Scientific research conducted by virologists at Imperial College London has found that properly treated swimming pool water inactivates COVID19 in 30 seconds.

The study, which is yet to be published in a peer-review journal, suggests the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in swimming pool water is incredibly low. Leading virologist and expert in respiratory viruses, Professor Wendy Barclay, headed the research which has been published by Royal Life Saving UK.

“We performed these experiments at our high containment laboratories in London. Under these safe conditions, we are able to measure the ability of the virus to infect cells, which is the first step in its transmission,’ Professor Barclay said.

“We could show that the virus does not survive in swimming pool water: it was no longer infectious. That, coupled with the huge dilution factor of virus that might find its way into a swimming pool from an infected person, suggests the chance of contracting Covid-19 from swimming pool water is negligible.”

Carlile uses the world’s leading technology to treat the air and water in our facilities.

While it’s not a scientific study, it is comforting to know that in the three months since reopening Carlile Swimming has conducted approximately 240,000 lessons and there has not been a single confirmed case of the virus being transmitted at any of our pools.

At Carlile, safety is always our number one priority, teaching children to swim is first and foremost about helping them be safer in and around water.



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If you’d like to know more about how Carlile can help your child learn to swim and love the water, feel free to drop into any of our pools and chat to the staff and check out lessons in action.

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