Ginny Shanley a learn to swim legend

Congratulations to Ginny Shanley who has passed 30 years working on pool deck with Carlile Swimming. It’s a remarkable achievement from our longest serving current leader who proudly continues the legacy of founders Forbes and Ursula Carlile.

Ginny is the operations manager at the Cross Street pool Forbes and Ursula built in their backyard. It’s a pool with a unique and rich history. One which has started the journey of so many wonderful swimmers.

“The community we work in at Ryde is rich in Carlile history. Forbes and Ursula are legendary and I’m so proud to say we continue their legacy,” Ginny said.

Ginny first joined Carlile as a parent, with her own children at the pool. Today her grandchildren are swimming with Carlile. (see below)


With her oldest son still swimming with Carlile,  Ginny joined us and progressed through every operational role and took over as the Operations Manager at Ryde in 2008.

She has helped thousands of children learn to love the water. People like  World Junior Gold Medallist Olivia Wunsch.

“Carlile Swimming is blessed to have Ginny and its befitting she found her way to Cross street. Ginny lives the values that Forbes and Ursula established, it was natural that she built such a strong bond with them both,” said Carlile Swimming CEO Jon Harker.

“Just as Forbes and Ursula established standards, we all hope to live up too, Ginny’s role as a mentor cannot be overstated. So many teachers are better people for their time with Ginny. Some have gone on to great careers outside of swimming, others have stayed in the sport.”

Indeed, many of those staff were quick to sends words of praise for Ginny’s role in their lives.

Darren Long, Operations Manager Carlingford and a former Carlile Swimming captain, who worked under Ginny:

“Ursula and Forbes were quick to see Ginny’s talent and value. They regularly relied on her, practically a personal assistant. She did more than just ensure the smooth running of Cross Street they became great friends and Ginny ensued the later years of their lives were smooth as well.”

 “Ginny is always seen as a motherly figure at Cross st with a wealth of knowledge that you could call on at any time. Her supportive nature with clear expectations has constantly nurtured a tight nit team, many previous staff members return with their babies for her Friday morning classes. Some classes are almost completely ex-staff. This is a fine example of the way Ginny manages to both connect and share the Carlile mission with her people.”

Michael Yeomans, Carlile Manager of Operations:

“Ginny leads with passion and integrity creating the future of Carlile in both little swimmers and team members. Her unwavering loyalty and friendship to the founding Carlile family was something to behold. Having Ginny as an integral part of our management team helps ensure their legacy lives on.”  

Balmain rugby league legends Steve “Blocker” Roach and Wife Cathy:

“We witness her teaching our granddaughter’s each week. She is so passionate about passing on the love of swimming to each and every child! We have Never met anybody so passionate and committed to their work- she is truly gifted! We cannot walk around the local shops or area without kids calling out to Ginny…. She loves them all and they Love her!!!!,” Steve and Cathy.

Charlotte Wheeler Coordinator Cross Street:

“We are grateful for the community you have created, the leader you are here at Cross Street, the things you have taught us and most importantly the friendship and support you have provided over the years. Mitch, Ash and myself love working with you and appreciate the hard work, laughs and teamwork in each and everyday!”


Nadya Riitano former staff member and mum:

Congratulations on 30 years of service! You are still, to this day, the best boss I have ever had. The way you teach, nurture and support all the instructors and staff at Cross Street is the reason so many people stay and return to Carlile time and time again. Your genuine love of children and the joy you bring every time you step into the pool cannot be understated. You can see it on the faces of all the children you have taught across the years…they light up when they see you (as do their parents). I count myself as very lucky to have worked with you for so many years and to have had my three boys taught by you. I hope you take a moment (and clink some champagne) to appreciate the profound impact all your hard work and dedication has had on so many people, including me. All my love”

Cal and Kate Govender:

You were my first boss and I truly could not have asked for a better person to lead me into the next stages of my life. You are honest, caring and have a work ethic that is second to none. Till this day you are the person I look up to and admire. Carlile has no idea how lucky they are to have such a person for 30 years. I am incredibly honoured and blessed to have had you as a boss, mentor, friend and now someone I see as family. You are truly one of the most beautiful people to have graced this earth. Love you Ginny!


Jacinta, Peter and Phoebe Topalidis:

“What an achievement. You are the pillar of Cross St and an invaluable source of wisdom to all who work and swim there. You have shaped our lives in many ways, from young adults into the family unit that we are now and we couldn’t be more grateful to have crossed your path. We look forward to watching our Phoebe thrive in your classes and wish you all the best, always. 

Steph Trainor:

It’s pretty incredible to think you have been such a significant part of so many people’s lives through all their stages of swimming, learning, working and living. I want to say a huge thank you to you for showing me that a strong woman can be both bold, and compassionate. I remember going through a really challenging time at work and you met my struggles with so much warmth and understanding. You supported me, you challenged me, you believed in my ability. I hope you can look back on your time at Carlile and know that you had an impact on every person that crossed your path. You most certainly had an impact on me and for that I couldn’t be more grateful. 

Soph Taylor:

Congratulations on accomplishing such an incredible feat! 30 years at Carlile is a testament to dedication, commitment and enthusiasm towards staff and swimmers. 

You have been the rock to both Cross Street and the wider Carlile community- your contributions are immeasurable, reaching further and wider than you know! One thing is certain is that Forbes and Ursula would be immensely proud for upholding the legacy they have created. 

 Thank you for your continued support and belief in me from when I first walked into the Cross Street pool at age 9. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without your guidance and inspiration. 

 Julia Tzoukos:

There are no words to describe how much of an impact you have made to the Carlile community and the wider swimming industry. For a woman to be such a fearless and strong leader for over 30 years is such an honour and I am forever grateful for everything you have provided me, both professionally and personally, and most importantly our friendship. Every single child, staff member and family hold you in high regard and you should be so proud of what you have achieved. 

Congratulations on 30 years at Carlile!!!

Lachie Rush: 

Congrats Ginny! Well done on your 30 years at Carlile! You bring so many smiles to all the kids, parents and staff at Cross Street and I don’t know what the place would be like without you! 


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If you’d like to know more about how Carlile can help your child learn to swim and love the water, feel free to drop into any of our pools and chat to the staff and check out lessons in action.

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