Carlile’s swimming schools are designed to suit the Carlile teaching program, with warm water, custom ledges and levels to help children feel comfortable as they learn. Find the pool closest to you.
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Industry leading swimming lessons
Carlile Swimming has led the industry for 75 years. Pioneering teaching babies and developing techniques that are now common place world-wide. The Carlile program caters for all levels of swimming from babies to Olympians.
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Information to help you
Here you can find information to help you get the most from your relationship with Carlile Swimming and learn about how Carlile addresses important issues such as Child Protection and Health and Safety.
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An award winning swim school
Here you can discover the unique history of Carlile Swimming, and why we remain passionate about helping families become safer in and around the water by nurturing a love for swimming and all the rewarding experiences and benefits that it provides.
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Here you can read the latest swimming news, tips for staying safer in and around water and updates on the achievements of Carlile’s Swimming families, staff and competitors.
Water Babies Songs

Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn around, that’s what its all about!
Verses: • Right arm • Left arm • Whole self • Goodbye (“you put your goodbye in, you put your goodbye out… waving goodbye as you do it)
Motor Boat
Motor boat, Motor boat go so slow, Motor boat, Motor boat go so fast, Motor boat, Motor boat step on the gas.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!
Pancake Song
(To the tune of I’m a little teapot”) I’m a little pancake on my back, I’m a little pancake nice and flat, I’m a little pancake on my back, Flip me over, just like that. I’m a little pancake on my tum, I’m a little pancake having fun. I’m a little pancake on my tum, turn me over just for fun.
This is the way
This is the way I kick my feet, kick my feet, kick my feet. This is the way I kick my feet, while I’m in the water. This is the way I paddle my arms, paddle my arms, paddle my arms. This is the way I paddle my arms, while I’m in the water.
Ring a Rosie
(With children laying on the mat, on their tummies, facing each other) Ring a ring a rosie, a pocket full of posies a tissue, a tissue, we all make splashes! Repeat first verse, but end with…we all do kicking! Repeat first verse, but end with…we all blow bubbles! Then continue with…Fishes in the ocean, fishes in the sea, we all jump, one, two, three! Sit the children on the mat and repeat first verse, but end with…we all fall down! Repeat “Fishes in the ocean…” and “…we all fall down” two more times.
If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it, turn around if you’re happy and you know it, turn around if you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it, turn around.
Verses: • Jump up high • Kick your toes • Clap your hands • Make a splash • Wave to mum • Blow some bubbles • Stomp your feet • Wave goodbye
Good Morning Song
Jenna’s here today, Jenna’s here today, Everybody splash your hands Jenna’s here today.
Tick Tock
Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock. Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking 1 o’clock. Cuckoo. Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock. Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking 2 o’clock. Cuckoo, cuckoo. Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock. Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking 3 o’clock. Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
Dingle Dangle
When all the cows are sleeping and the sun has gone to bed, up jumped the scarecrow and this is what he said: “I’m a dingle dangle scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat, I can paddle my hands like this, and kick my legs like that”.
The Wheels on the Bus
The Wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long.
- The children in the bus go up and down
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
The doors on the bus go open and shut, open and shut, open and shut
The mums and the dads say ‘I love you’, ‘I love you’ (giving hugs each time)
The children on the bus all wave goodbye, wave goodbye, wave goodbye